Friday 14 January 2011

Digipak Analysis

After creating our digipak, that’s consists of six squares we decided that we would analyse two each. We created each part of the digipak in Photoshop.
This is the CD:

Firstly we decided that the majority of the didgipak would have a black background.
We decided that we would make the CD into an eye; we chose to do this because of the many close-ups of the characters eye/ face in the music video. The song we choose is quite slow and storyline of our music video illustrates the main character experiencing a terrible day, many emotions can be conveyed through the use of the eye. To create the eye, we searched ‘eye’ into Google and found an image that we thought would work best. We then cut around the coloured bit of the image and placed this onto the black background. The problem was, once we had cut out the white bit and around the eye, it didn’t really look like an eye anymore, it looked more like a hole. We tried a few different experiments and found that adding different colour affects and filters worked really nicely. We played around with the colour and as a group decided that the blue worked really well and looked effective on the black background.

The second part I am analysing is the back cover of the digipak,

Again we decided to use a black background to stay consistent and to a professional standard. When we researched the conventions of a digipak, we found out that the track list is usually printed on the back cover. We made up eight different song titles and listed these flowing downwards in a logical order. We wanted to keep the back cover simple and not over crowd it, so we thought that just sticking to listing the songs would be enough as we didn’t want to confuse the audience by adding other text. We used white text on top of the black background to create a contrast between the two colours and make it stand out effectively. To finish we simply found a picture of a barcode and added this in the left hand corner, as this was another convention that we had researched.

By Rebecca Gomes

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