Tuesday 18 January 2011

Magazine advert analysis

I have to chose to analyse a magazine advert, advertising Gwen Stefani’s new album.

Firstly the background of the advert follows the convention of ‘images of the artist’ . The image that has been used as the background is actually a larger image of the picture that is used on her album cover. Effects have been added to the image to make it stand out and look effective. Using the picture from the album is a good way to advertise the because when people see the album in the shops it will be immediately recognisable and will stand out against the others.
Secondly all the colours used within the advert- coordinate together. They work well together and look professional. The colours have been chosen carefully so that the text placed onto of the images does not distract focus away from the image. Also there isn’t one colour that stands out, they all blend in together.
Another convention that has been used in the magazine advert is, the artists name, this is obviously so that we can identify the artist of the album. Although there is a picture of her, some people may be unaware of her appearance, there for is important to add the name.
The font style used on the text works nicely with the images used on the page, a girly- posh font has been used, obviously as this would attract and be suitable for the target audience of the album.
Another convention that has been used is a small image of the album, so that people know what the album looks like. When people go to buy the album they will already know what they are looking for. The image has been added in the bottom left hand corner of the advert.
The album name has also been added underneath the artist name, and finally some smaller information has been added at the bottom of the page for example the record label and her website where more information would be available.

By Rebecca Gomes

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