Thursday 27 January 2011

Evaluation Activity 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

How the digi-pack and advert use the appropriate conventions in terms of style and layout.
Firstly our digi-pack follows the traditional format of a real digi-pack, it is made of 6 panels each of which are the correct length and width. We have divided each one, and using our plans have incorporated ideas, from each into our final design. Half of our design is upside down this is so that when printed and folded it will be correct. We have also laid out the digi-pack in the correct manner, with the CD cover In the right hand bottom corner etc...
A main convention of a digi-pack that we have followed is the band/ artist name included on the front cover of the digi-pack. We have used the same font throughout both our digi-pack and advert to follow a consistent theme and keep it to a professional standard. The main color of our digi-pack is black and this is the reason we have chosen to use a white font for the text to create a stark contrast between them. The stye of our digi-pack is quite dark- which follows the atmosphere/ mood of our music video that we have created which is why there is a link between them. We have used the three block colors on the front cover, as this contrasts with the lack of color within our video. The colors used (green, red and blue) are primary colors which are quite basic.
The back cover and the top left hand corner panel are similar in style, both black with white writing placed on-top. The back cover lists the songs on the album which is another convention of a digi-pack. Almost every digi-pack should include a image of the band/ artist which is why we have added a image of the band Keane, however we have applied various editing techniques to this picture to make it stand out and follow the layout/ theme that we are trying to create. We have also added a picture from our video into the digi-pack as this is also a convention that would be used in real media products.
The actual design of CD is suppose to be an eye, however after editing the picture it seems to be slightly abstract- we decided to keep this because it looks effective and again fits into the theme of our song in that the protagonists goes through a series of events in one day that would trigger a variety of emotions. We have chose an eye to represent these emotions because many emotions can be conveyed through the use of the eye.
Our advert follows the same theme as our digi-pack, however the layout is different as this follows as set of different conventions. We have kept our advert simple, this is so that it is not overcrowded and the audience is not overloaded with information. The band name is dipalyed in large font at the top of the advert ti immediately draw attention to the poster- again we have used white on black to create a contrast. Another convention we have followed is the use of an image, this is an image we have taken from our video and edited in photoshop, affecting the color and design of the image. We have also added a review from NME, after researching real adverts we saw that this convention was always used. In addition to this we have added the release data however challenged this convention slightly by writing ‘OUT NOW’ instead. Finally we have added the record label and a small image of their logo as this is where they are usually displayed on real adverts.
together the digi-pack and the advert work well together and convey a positive image/ message about the band. They work effectively well together along with the video.

Our three media products all share a similar scheme of colour and images to create a solid band identity, one that is easily recognisable and will therefore help to sell music commercially, with consumers able to relate between the advert/music video and album, leading to a purchase. The music video sets the precedence for our products, by enforcing a theme of dreary dullness. This is emphasised with a high contrast, lack of colour (apart from certain concentrations) and heavy shadows. The high contrast is also employed in the magazine advert and digipak. In the advert, the protagonist is displayed, although almost totally white due to the use of exposure/contrast. The same can be said for the digipak, where the front cover uses three different contrasts of silhouettes, the inside front has a very high contrast image of the band, and the back uses an almost identical filter to the music video. The lack of colour is also used in both products, using only a series of coloured blocks in each (both identical for sub-conscious recognition by the consumer). All of these features combine to create a dull, dreary theme that relates directly to the music. It is also very relevant to the theme of the real-life band Keane, which is also insipid, using carefully rationed splashes of colour to keep the audience looking at specific things, although the real band are much more abstract, often favouring abstract drawings and senseless combinations of colours and shapes.

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