I looked at the music video ‘Virtual Insanity’ By Jamiroquai, the video successfully illustrates the lyrics of the song for the audience. The video sticks to the normal/ usual conventions of a music video. Firstly the video lasts for four minutes in total. Throughout the video there is a loose narrative/ storyline, the narrative is quite brief and abstract however there is performance throughout which is a major contribution to the music video. We see Jamiroquai’s singer dancing around in a padded white cell, the dancing he does is of an elaborate and visually flamboyant manner and works really well. He also uses lip synching throughout the video. The video is made of loads of different camera shots,including some close-ups when he is lip synching to add emphasis , each have been edited to fit the beat of the song. The video successfully advertises the song, artist, album and record label leaving a positive impact on the audience.
The first image illustrates the use of close-ups to emphasis Jamiroquai lip syncing, which is part of his performance throughout the the video. The use of the brown liquid on the floor adds to the idea of abstract, as we as an audience are unsure of what this is, it has just randomly entered the screen. This image shows another part of his performance throughout the video, he constantly dances and sings around the room. This image shows the abstract narrative of the video, as well as more performance as he is still dancing. It shows he does not fit in the scene, all of the costumes and cinematography are white and he is wearing different clothing. By Rebecca Gomes
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