Wednesday 1 December 2010

Weekly log: 18th&19th November, 25th&26th November 2010

Thursday 18th & Friday 19th November 2010

On Monday 15th November we had been out filming for our media production, the lesson before hand I wrote a detailed list of all the shots we still needed to film or re- film due to bad framing or simply disliking the current shots we had. This gave us some footage to edit on the Thursday, Dan did the editing while me and Louise assisted him, by explaining how long each shot should last and the order they where to go in. While doing this I kept a list of all the shots that still didn’t work and the ones we hadn’t yet got round to filming. To be creative and differentiate ourselves from others, we decided that for the chorus of our song we would film our main character walking along while the background would change. It took a lot of effort to find our different backgrounds, but we adventured out to many different places to find places to film that would look effective. This included a field, a forest, a busy street, an alley etc… We tried to vary the type of shots we used, for example a few Ariel shots, long shots, panning shots and so on. As well as this while filming on the Monday, we used the slow motion effect on a few of our shots. When edited together it looked really effective and worked really well with the rest of our shots. While editing our shots together on the Thursday, we discovered we still had over 30 shots to film, and we would only have one more week left to film. As a group we decided that it would be best to film some footage on the Friday as we would not be able to get it all done in one week.

Thursday 25th & Friday 26th November 2010

Again we decided to film on the Monday which was the 21st November, this allowed us to have a lot more footage to edit on Thursday when we went into school. To make it easier for ourselves to see what shots we still needed to film we added all of the shots we had already done and added filler shots, to the ones we still needed to do. On the Thursday we discovered we had a problem with the continuity of the last few shots of the film. One of the shots there was a train, the next it was gone, we added a variety of different effects to the shot to see if we could improve it in any way however we was not happy with what we had and decided that it would be best to try and film it again. We also decided that we would go out and film on the Friday and on Monday 29th November to finish all of the last shots. On the Monday we planned to re-film the train shots we where having continuity problems with, however there was a train strike and we was unable to film the shots.

By Rebecca Gomes

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